Bullock LAW PC Wins Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit
Bullock Law PC recently took on a case for a plaintiff who was involved in a one-car accident. As a result of the accident the Plaintiff suffered a broken arm and was transported by ambulance to the hospital (by coincidence, the same one where he was born).
The medical records at the hospital indicated that the Plaintiff was born with a heart murmur. The parents let the hospital and the doctor know about the Plaintiff’s heart murmur and medical condition. Notwithstanding, after surgery, the Plaintiff was still in pain and the doctor decided to administer fentanyl to the Plaintiff to alleviate the pain. As a result of administering the fentanyl, the Plaintiff suffered a major brain injury.
Sadly, the Plaintiff lived for only 4 more months. “When I visited him in the hospital, I could see that the Plaintiff had involuntary body movements, and his eyes were in constant motion back and forth,” says attorney Steven Bullock. “The Plaintiff was in a non-communicative state. Unfortunately, he eventually succumbed to the injuries.”
A lawsuit was eventually filed by the legal team (that included Bullock Law PC) that represented the family; however, the case was delayed due to COVID. The case eventually resulted in a multimillion-dollar settlement in the second quarter of 2023.
This is just one example of how Bullock Law PC has resolved cases for tens of millions of dollars for our clients; including wrongful death cases, brain injury cases, medical negligence cases, and automobile accident cases. It is our goal to make sure our clients know that they have a dedicated team who will work extremely hard to get the justice they deserve. Contact us today if you’ve been injured due to the recklessness, carelessness, negligence, or malice of another individual, company or party.
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